Portland is warming up and so am i… to this city.
still shooting a bunch of various film cameras and mediums.
still haven’t developed things (bleh).
so, (to myself and the few readers reading) this month I’ve decided just to post my favorite polaroids & my filmreel (of scattered video work I created last year).
i’ve been working on different video projects for the most part this month. i should have a music video or two to post in next month’s journal along with a good chunk of film photos if everything develops well.
people are very collaborative here and because of that i have made a lot of great contacts and met a lot of incredibly interesting and beautiful people. & I just bought a bike! so… it’s safe to say next month’s post will make up for the last two month’s of minimal photos journaled. can’t wait to get lost on a bike trail somewhere.
a beautiful someone randomly came into my life and we spent a lot of time under the blossoming spring trees collecting petals for a photo concept. it didn’t work out how i planned, but we pressed the petals in a book entitled “Oregon II”. can’t wait to see them and send some pressed flowers out to friends back home. we also found a box full of old VHS tapes and will most likely watch them all and laugh at how dumb they are as we fix the tracking.
it feels great here, but i am also excited to get back to Minnesota mid-may for at least a few weeks to catch up with friends and set up shoots.
0 Thoughts on March