
Confused about Standing Rock?

I have been spending most of my days lately in North Dakota, camping within a teepee on Standing Rock reservation, documenting and volunteering my time to help support the movement. If you are able to read through everything in this post, I believe you will be filled in, for the most part. There have been…


looking back on the last 6 months has been challenging to write about. i feel as though i have made more mistakes with my artwork and life than i have made positive choices. it has definitely been a tiring journey but i feel myself aging and maturing and i like that. i miss the mountains of Colorado…


perhaps instead of imagining spaces in-between, i am filling more gaps than days, these days. lately i’ve been a bit of a vampire. late nights writing, editing or watching movies. i’m glad the trees out of my window are supplying nectar to hummingbirds. we have a lot of similarities. lots of black & white analog…


Portland is warming up and so am i… to this city. still shooting a bunch of various film cameras and mediums. still haven’t developed things (bleh). so, (to myself and the few readers reading) this month I’ve decided just to post my favorite polaroids & my filmreel (of scattered video work I created last year).…


new city, new life. trying to learn new ways to format. mainly this month i have been getting into the flow of things. less photos and more life stuff, though i did get to work with a few local artists which was very cool. feels nice to have my own spot for the next few…

i want to make this a place where i say what’s on my mind and leave it at that. it will be informal for my own sake, so that i feel comfortable and can translate clearly. hopefully my photos will make up for my almost certain lack of words at times. that being said, welcome…