perhaps instead of imagining spaces in-between,

i am filling more gaps than days, these days.

Processed with VSCOcam with b4 preset

lately i’ve been a bit of a vampire. late nights writing, editing or watching movies. i’m glad the trees out of my window are supplying nectar to hummingbirds. we have a lot of similarities.

lots of black & white analog experiments this month (as i was gifted a few different cameras), shot on Tri-X. this is my last month in Portland, but i will probably move back in a year or two. very thankful to all the new friends and experiences i have had out here on the west coast, but there is a weariness that has spread into my bones and i miss my hometown. see you soon, MPLS.

april1_pj bordershapes flowerwindow flowervein


kristibridge  silkdancer rab_falling_peterjamus    2015-04-09 17.46.28   2015-04-14 16.12.36randomcoastkristi






blue jellyfish filled the shores of Cannon beach, this was shot by my good friend Jennifer Ilene
blue jellyfish filled the shores of Cannon beach, this was shot by my good friend Jennifer Ilene